Audio Streaming on Android
Watch demoDescription
Build an audio streaming application that looks similar to Spotify.
In this course I teach you the current best practice way to build an audio streaming application on android. To make it more interesting, I designed it to look similar to the popular music streaming app called Spotify.
I use the ExoPlayer library for streaming the audio files. The audio files are located online in a Firebase Firestore database.
Here's what you will see in the course:
- Every line of code is written and explained on video
- ExoPlayer (same media library used by YouTube in the mobile app)
- Streaming audio files from the internet (Firestore)
- Playlists
- Effective fragment management
- AsyncTasks
- SharedPreferences
- Effective communication with interfaces
- Services (a class specifically built to stream media files)
- Background Services that run forever
- Notifications
- Controlling playback through a notification
- Notifications and the lock screen
- Broadcast Receivers
- Glide library to download bitmaps
- RecyclerViews
- And much more...
Take this journey with me and learn the best practice way to build an audio streaming application on Android.
Published: Aug. 2, 2021
Lectures: 53
Total video time: 06:59:21

Audio Streaming on Android
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Course Demo
Using the Source Code
Dependencies and SDK Versions
Retrieving Audio Data from Firestore
Building the Layouts
List-item Layouts
RecyclerView Adapter for HomeFragment
RecyclerView Setup for HomeFragment
Retrieving Firestore Data in HomeFragment
Improving the Query Experience in HomeFragment
RecyclerView Setup for CategoryFragment
Retrieving Firestore Data in CategoryFragment
Testing Firestore Query in CategoryFragment
RecyclerView Setup for PlaylistFragment
Retrieving Firestore Data in PlaylistFragment
MediaController Setup
Implementing Fragment Transactions
Custom Fragment Management
Preventing Fragments from Stacking
Fragment Back Navigation
Implementing the Fragment Navigation
ActionBar Titles
Handling Configuration Changes Part 1
Service Class to Stream Audio
MediaBrowserServiceCompat Basics
Audio Focus and Audio Noisy Intent
ExoPlayer Setup Part 1 (Initialization)
ExoPlayer Setup Part 2 (playing a media file)
ExoPlayer Setup Part 3 (tracking playback state)
Associating the ExoPlayer with the Media Service
Starting and Binding to the Media Service
Playing the First Media Files
Dynamic Playlists with an Application Instance
Playing a Media Item with OnClick
Subscribing to a Playlist
Setting the Queue Position
Resolving the Playlist Subscription Issue
Detecting Changes to the Playback State
Updating the UI with Media Information
Broadcast Receiver for Seekbar Progress
Seeking Playback
Updating the UI when Playback is Complete
Handling Configuration Changes Part 2
Restoring Recently Played Media
Notification Overview
Notifications on Android Oreo
Notification Basics
Media Button Receivers and Pending Intents
Creating and Destroying a Notification
Controlling Playback from a Notification
Handling Configuration Changes Part 3
Setting a Bitmap in a Notification
Course Demo
Using the Source Code
Dependencies and SDK Versions
Retrieving Audio Data from Firestore
Building the Layouts
List-item Layouts
RecyclerView Adapter for HomeFragment
RecyclerView Setup for HomeFragment
Retrieving Firestore Data in HomeFragment
Improving the Query Experience in HomeFragment
RecyclerView Setup for CategoryFragment
Retrieving Firestore Data in CategoryFragment
Testing Firestore Query in CategoryFragment
RecyclerView Setup for PlaylistFragment
Retrieving Firestore Data in PlaylistFragment
MediaController Setup
Implementing Fragment Transactions
Custom Fragment Management
Preventing Fragments from Stacking
Fragment Back Navigation
Implementing the Fragment Navigation
ActionBar Titles
Handling Configuration Changes Part 1
Service Class to Stream Audio
MediaBrowserServiceCompat Basics
Audio Focus and Audio Noisy Intent
ExoPlayer Setup Part 1 (Initialization)
ExoPlayer Setup Part 2 (playing a media file)
ExoPlayer Setup Part 3 (tracking playback state)
Associating the ExoPlayer with the Media Service
Starting and Binding to the Media Service
Playing the First Media Files
Dynamic Playlists with an Application Instance
Playing a Media Item with OnClick
Subscribing to a Playlist
Setting the Queue Position
Resolving the Playlist Subscription Issue
Detecting Changes to the Playback State
Updating the UI with Media Information
Broadcast Receiver for Seekbar Progress
Seeking Playback
Updating the UI when Playback is Complete
Handling Configuration Changes Part 2
Restoring Recently Played Media
Notification Overview
Notifications on Android Oreo
Notification Basics
Media Button Receivers and Pending Intents
Creating and Destroying a Notification
Controlling Playback from a Notification
Handling Configuration Changes Part 3
Setting a Bitmap in a Notification