Real-time Chat Messenger
Watch demoDescription
Published: Aug. 2, 2021
Lectures: 85
Total video time: 23:59:82
Real-time Chat Messenger
If you restart this course, all your progress will be reset
Course Demo
Part 1: Project Setup
Project SetupFREE
Templates SetupFREE
Bootstrap and Static Files SetupFREE
Header and Footer Bootstrap Style GuideFREE
Part 2 - User Management
Custom User ModelFREE
Register New UsersFREE
Login and LogoutFREE
Password Reset and Password ChangeFREE
User Account ScreenFREE
User SearchFREE
Editing User Account PropertiesFREE
Uploading an ImageFREE
Cropping an Image with Javascript and PythonFREE
Part 3: Friend System
Friend SystemFREE
Account Screen with Friend SystemFREE
Sending a Friend RequestFREE
Querying Friend RequestsFREE
Accepting a Friend RequestFREE
Removing a FriendFREE
Decline a Friend RequestFREE
Cancel a Friend RequestFREE
Querying FriendsFREE
Part 4: Public Chat
Public Chat AppFREE
Installing Django Channels 2FREE
Public Chat Consumer
Sending a Payload to the Consumer
Formatting Chat Messages
Handling Consumer Errors
Django Humanize for Timestamp Formatting
Channel Layers for Broadcasting Messages
Saving Chat Messages to the Database
Querying Chatroom Messages
insertBefore and appendChild
Progress Indicator for Pagination
Display Connected Users
Public Chat Cleanup
Asynchronously Loading Images with Javascript
Security Risk and Markdown
Part 5: Private Chat
Private Chat App
Private Chatroom View
Creating Private Chatrooms
Post Save Receivers
Display Friends in Room
Private Chat Consumer
Private Chat WebSocket
Dynamically Connected a WebSocket
Get User Info Dynamically
Error Handling in Private Chat
Sending Private Chat Messages (1/2)
Sending Private Chat Messages (2/2)
Joining and Leaving a Chatroom
Querying Private Chatroom Messages
Private Chat Messages Payload to UI
Private Chat Pagination
Loading Spinner Private Chat
Highlighting the Selected Chatroom
Starting a Private Chat
Part 6: Notifications
Django Generic Relations (Notification Model)
Notification Admin
Notifications for Friend Actions
Notification Consumer
"General" Notification Payloads
Fetch FriendRequest & FriendList Notifications
Display FriendRequest & FriendList Notifications
Accepting a Friend Request from Notification
Declining a Friend Request from Notification
Pagination for General Notifications
Updating Notifications in Real-time
New General Notifications in Real-time
Unread Notifications Count
Private Chat Notification System
Tracking if Users are Connected to a Chat
Fetching Chatroom Message Notifications
Handling Chatroom Notification Payloads
Fetching New Chat Notifications in Real-time
Pagination for Chat Notifications
Displaying Count for Chat Notifications
Part 7: Push to Production
Push to Production
Course Demo
Part 1: Project Setup
Project SetupFREE
Templates SetupFREE
Bootstrap and Static Files SetupFREE
Header and Footer Bootstrap Style GuideFREE
Part 2 - User Management
Custom User ModelFREE
Register New UsersFREE
Login and LogoutFREE
Password Reset and Password ChangeFREE
User Account ScreenFREE
User SearchFREE
Editing User Account PropertiesFREE
Uploading an ImageFREE
Cropping an Image with Javascript and PythonFREE
Part 3: Friend System
Friend SystemFREE
Account Screen with Friend SystemFREE
Sending a Friend RequestFREE
Querying Friend RequestsFREE
Accepting a Friend RequestFREE
Removing a FriendFREE
Decline a Friend RequestFREE
Cancel a Friend RequestFREE
Querying FriendsFREE
Part 4: Public Chat
Public Chat AppFREE
Installing Django Channels 2FREE
Public Chat Consumer
Sending a Payload to the Consumer
Formatting Chat Messages
Handling Consumer Errors
Django Humanize for Timestamp Formatting
Channel Layers for Broadcasting Messages
Saving Chat Messages to the Database
Querying Chatroom Messages
insertBefore and appendChild
Progress Indicator for Pagination
Display Connected Users
Public Chat Cleanup
Asynchronously Loading Images with Javascript
Security Risk and Markdown
Part 5: Private Chat
Private Chat App
Private Chatroom View
Creating Private Chatrooms
Post Save Receivers
Display Friends in Room
Private Chat Consumer
Private Chat WebSocket
Dynamically Connected a WebSocket
Get User Info Dynamically
Error Handling in Private Chat
Sending Private Chat Messages (1/2)
Sending Private Chat Messages (2/2)
Joining and Leaving a Chatroom
Querying Private Chatroom Messages
Private Chat Messages Payload to UI
Private Chat Pagination
Loading Spinner Private Chat
Highlighting the Selected Chatroom
Starting a Private Chat
Part 6: Notifications
Django Generic Relations (Notification Model)
Notification Admin
Notifications for Friend Actions
Notification Consumer
"General" Notification Payloads
Fetch FriendRequest & FriendList Notifications
Display FriendRequest & FriendList Notifications
Accepting a Friend Request from Notification
Declining a Friend Request from Notification
Pagination for General Notifications
Updating Notifications in Real-time
New General Notifications in Real-time
Unread Notifications Count
Private Chat Notification System
Tracking if Users are Connected to a Chat
Fetching Chatroom Message Notifications
Handling Chatroom Notification Payloads
Fetching New Chat Notifications in Real-time
Pagination for Chat Notifications
Displaying Count for Chat Notifications
Part 7: Push to Production
Push to Production