In this post I show you how to use a Horizontal RecyclerView to display list items with an image and text.
You'll learn to build a recyclerview adapter class from scratch and display images and text. To retrieve the images from the internet we use the "Glide" library.
Make sure to get the most up-to-date version of the Glide library. Outdated versions typically have issues. You can get the dependency here:
This is a perfect example if you're a beginner and need a step-by-step example on how to use a Horizontal recyclerview in your android project.
All Source Code is available on my Github for free.
App Demo
Here's a visual of the simple app we'll be building:
The app will have a single activity:
MainActivity will contain a RecyclerView with all the list items. User's will have the ability to scroll left or right on the list.
We'll start with the dependencies:
We have:
- The RecyclerView support library that's required for using RecyclerViews
- The CardView support library for using CardViews
- The Glide library for retrieving and displaying images from the internet
- And a CircleImageView library for displaying circular images
Remember to get the most up-to-date version of the Glide library:
build.gradle (app file)
Next we have the layouts.
activity_main is simple. There's just a RecyclerView widget with a vertical orientation for holding our list items.
layout_listitemis responsible for displaying the individual list items in the RecyclerView. It contains a CardView, an ImageView, and a TextView widget.
Java Classes
We have two java classes:
The RecyclerViewAdapter class is for adapting our individual list items to the RecyclerView list.
Notice there's nothing different here as compared to a regular RecyclerView adapter class. There's nothing special you need to do in the adapter to make it "horizontal". All the difference will be in MainActivity.
Notice the LinearLayoutManager object with a HORIZONTAL flag in the initRecyclerView method.
That's essentially the only difference between a regular Vertical RecyclerView and a Horizontal RecyclerView.
Internet Permissions
Don't forget to add internet permission to the manifest.
Hopefully this helped you integrate a Horizontal RecyclerView into your Android projects.
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