Modularizing Android Apps
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Published: Sept. 2, 2021
Lectures: 65
Total video time: 05:07:18

Modularizing Android Apps
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Course Demo
Part 1: Project Setup
Before you Start
Dependencies and buildSrc
Part 2: Modularization
Planning the Modular Design
Building the Modules
build.gradle Files
Part 3: Domain
Hero Domain Model
Part 4: Network Datasource (Ktor)
Data Transfer Objects (DTO)
HeroService and Ktor
GetHeros Use-case
Testing GetHeros Use-case
Part 5: Caching Datasource (SQL Delight)
SQL Delight Setup
HeroCache and Implementation
Add Caching to GetHeros Use-case
Testing the Caching
Part 6: HeroList UI
HeroList Screen
Display Images with Coil
Part 7: Hilt and ViewModels
Hilt Setup
Hilt Modules and ViewModels
More Hilt Modules
UI Events in HeroList
Part 8: HeroDetail UI
Compose Navigation
Retrieving a Hero from Cache
HeroDetail ViewModel
HeroDetail State and Events
Hero Detail Screen
Part 9: Search, Filter and Order Heros
Hero List Toolbar with Search Input
Filtering Hero's by Name
Filter and Order Mechanism
Filter and Order Use-case
Filter and Order Dialog
Dialog State (show & hide)
Win Percentage Filter
Primary Attribute Filter
Default Screen UI
Part 10: Navigation Transition Animations
Compose Navigation Transition Animations API
Part 11: Error Dialog System
Dialog Queue
Adding Dialogs to the Queue
Displaying the Queue in UI
Removing Dialogs from the Queue
Part 12: Fake Datasources for Testing
Fake Network Data
Fake Network Datasource
Fake Caching Datasource
Part 13: Unit Testing
Get Heros Test (Good Data)
Get Heros Test (Malformed)
Get Heros Test (Empty)
What else can we test?
Part 14: Compose UI Tests
HeroList Isolation Test
HeroDetail Isolation Test
End-to-end Testing Setup
End-to-end HeroList Test
Course Demo
Part 1: Project Setup
Before you Start
Dependencies and buildSrc
Part 2: Modularization
Planning the Modular Design
Building the Modules
build.gradle Files
Part 3: Domain
Hero Domain Model
Part 4: Network Datasource (Ktor)
Data Transfer Objects (DTO)
HeroService and Ktor
GetHeros Use-case
Testing GetHeros Use-case
Part 5: Caching Datasource (SQL Delight)
SQL Delight Setup
HeroCache and Implementation
Add Caching to GetHeros Use-case
Testing the Caching
Part 6: HeroList UI
HeroList Screen
Display Images with Coil
Part 7: Hilt and ViewModels
Hilt Setup
Hilt Modules and ViewModels
More Hilt Modules
UI Events in HeroList
Part 8: HeroDetail UI
Compose Navigation
Retrieving a Hero from Cache
HeroDetail ViewModel
HeroDetail State and Events
Hero Detail Screen
Part 9: Search, Filter and Order Heros
Hero List Toolbar with Search Input
Filtering Hero's by Name
Filter and Order Mechanism
Filter and Order Use-case
Filter and Order Dialog
Dialog State (show & hide)
Win Percentage Filter
Primary Attribute Filter
Default Screen UI
Part 10: Navigation Transition Animations
Compose Navigation Transition Animations API
Part 11: Error Dialog System
Dialog Queue
Adding Dialogs to the Queue
Displaying the Queue in UI
Removing Dialogs from the Queue
Part 12: Fake Datasources for Testing
Fake Network Data
Fake Network Datasource
Fake Caching Datasource
Part 13: Unit Testing
Get Heros Test (Good Data)
Get Heros Test (Malformed)
Get Heros Test (Empty)
What else can we test?
Part 14: Compose UI Tests
HeroList Isolation Test
HeroDetail Isolation Test
End-to-end Testing Setup
End-to-end HeroList Test