Course Demo
updated Aug. 2, 2021

Course Objective:

Why do so many people from the various software fields (web, android, iOS, desktop, games) say Clean Architecture is one of the best ways to structure code? This course will introduce you to Clean Architecture and show you how it makes testing far easier on android. Both Instrumentation tests and unit tests.

  • MVI architectural pattern
  • Kotlin
  • Coroutines
  • Flows and channels
  • Network layer (Firestore)
  • Caching layer (Room Persistence) & planning a caching strategy
  • Firestore testing (Firebase Emulators)
  • Unit tests (Junit5)
  • Instrumentation testing (Espresso and androidx.test)
  • Gradle Scripting (automate test running)
  • Test reports
  • Dagger2
  • Navigation Components

Target Audience:

This is not a beginner course. See prerequisites section below.


Note: These are recommendations, not requirements. I think you can get by since I explain everything on video anyway.

  1. Kotlin
  2. Dagger2
  3. Room Persistence
  4. Retrofit2
  5. MVI / MVVM Architecture
  6. Unit testing
  7. Instrumentation testing
